Welcome, I’m Sarah! I’m so happy you’re here!
Reg. MBACP, MSc, BSc, Dip Coach
I’m a registered and certified Psychotherapist, Psychological Coach
and Workplace Wellbeing Consultant.
I help big hearted individuals and leaders get unstuck, overcome stress and anxiety, elevate their performance and cultivate a deep sense of calm.
I also collaborate with heart-led organisations, creating bespoke workplace well-being solutions
so both your staff and organisation can thrive.
I have a BSc degree in Psychology and Communications, a Master's degree in Counselling Psychology and Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and a Certificate in Clinical Supervision. To complement my qualifications in Psychology, I have a Diploma in Cognitive Coaching, a Certificate in Mentoring, a Certificate in Life Coaching and qualifications in Stress Management and Mindfulness.
This means I am dual-trained and offer a unique, bespoke and powerful method of transformation, which is more powerful than therapy alone.
Over the past 11 years, I have supported 1,000's of clients 1:1 and within a group setting to overcome a wide range of challenges.
I specialise in empowering motivated professionals to manage high - functioning anxiety, to cultivate calm, increase confidence and to thrive within their life, feeling happy, calm and fulfilled.
I have worked in a variety of settings and have over a decade of experience of working as a manager in the NHS (National Health Service) supporting the wellbeing of front line NHS staff, also working within charitable organisations supporting both adults and young people, within higher education settings and within my business supporting motivated professionals as well as teams within organisations all over the world.
Alongside working 1:1 offering online therapy and coaching, I also work with organisations and businesses to consult upon employee wellbeing and offer a wide range of masterclasses, emotional wellbeing workshops and group coaching programmes to support the mental health and wellbeing of people within the workplace.
Professional Qualifications and Training
MBACP - Registered member of the BACP and member of Coaching division
BSc Psychology & Communications
(Masters) MSc Counselling Psychology
Diploma in Cognitive Coaching
Certified Coach: Certificate in Life Coaching
Certificate in Clinical Supervision
Working with the Bereaved
Certificate in (CBT) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CISM Training - Critical Incident Stress Management
Certificate in Transactional Analysis
Certificate in Mindfulness
Certificate in Mentoring
I am a Registered member of the (BACP) British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy. I adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework for Counselling Professions and also hold my own insurance.
Additionally, I frequently attend Continuing Professional Development workshops and events within the areas of Coaching, Psychology, Therapy and Wellbeing and attend regular clinical supervision to ensure that I am practicing both ethically and safely.
If you're anything like me, then connection, I mean true connection
(the kind where you know more about each other, feel like they understand you and you can instantly spot things you have in common) is important to you.
I also know it's important to you to work with someone who get's it and get's you.
I believe in vulnerability and being courageous is the cornerstone to creating the changes that we want in life. The more vulnerable you're able to be, the more change you can create.
So here goes, a little bit more about my 'why', my personal challenges and how those lessons have shaped my service to you.

I’ve had my own heart break, lost myself in love, sacrificed my needs and forgotten my worth.
The reason I’m so passionate about supporting you to prioritise yourself
and your own needs is due to me having to navigate the pain of a past breakup.
It helped me to learn (the hardest possible way) that the most important relationship in your life IS the one with yourself.
This pain in my heart taught me to gently yet fiercely prioritise myself, my needs, my wants and what truly makes me happy.
Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for all other relationships in your life. When you prioritise your own happiness, everything else in your life gets better.
All other relationships benefit when you work on yourself.
Fast forward to 2018.....
I went indoor skydiving and went from being the fittest physically I’ve ever been (to put it into context for you, I was almost lifting weights nearly as heavy as my partner and he is an Ironman)...
to within a split second, paralysed and completely numb on my right side - from shoulder to fingertip.
The grief was ALOT; grieving my past self, grieving my movement, grieving my feeling, grieving my independence, grieving the sense of being ‘indestructible’ and grieving my life as I had previously known it.
Faced with that sense of helplessness, I had a choice to make; to sink into victimhood ( to spiral, to over-think,
to catastrophize, you know how it goes) or to choose to become the victor.
I chose to become the victor and control the only thing I had control over - my mind and what I chose to fill it with.
I dug deep. (of course there were tears, omg lots of them - remember you have to ‘feel to heal’)
Yet, I utilised the psychology tools and techniques I had been teaching to my clients for years and learned to use them myself.
I learnt how to truly train my mind; to choose my thoughts and to ultimately alter my reality.
After all, our mind is so incredibly powerful.
A true test and life lesson; which now I see,
enabled me to become a better healer, for you.

Although I've spent several years as a high level within the NHS;
supporting the management of a team and showing up as a calm, confident leader each day…I didn’t start off that way.
Just a few years back, I remember feeling imposter syndrome,
feeling like the ‘youngest’, surrounded by more mature managers who have served for 25+ years. (My age at the time!)
I remember falling into the compassion trap; constantly comparing myself to those around me.
Feeling anxious speaking in management meetings and giving presentations - you know when you're nervous and your voice shakes? Yup, that was me.
I was over thinking, doubting myself and not owning my gifts or my power.
I thought my softness was a weakness and had no place within leadership. How wrong I was.
So, I get it. I know how you feel. I know how, to your own detriment, you prioritise others, I know how you’ve been putting off working on yourself, for yourself,
I know how you over think and how you’re sick of your racing mind,
I know how you constantly compare yourself to others and wish you didn’t,
I know how you feel helpless, alone and stuck sometimes...
I know how difficult all of this is to admit.
AND yet I know these things CAN change for you.
Because, as you’ve read, they’ve changed for me.
I’ve been on my own self development, healing and empowerment journey.
That’s led me to where I am today; utilising my gifts, using my lessons as medicine, knowing my softness is my superpower
and acting as a teacher, guide and mentor for high achievers who are ready to level up and put themselves first and do this life changing work.
I wanted to share it all with you - hoping that my story can provide inspiration; reminding you that the tough times don’t last,
that you can do hard things and you can write a brave new ending for your story. When you take intentional action.
This journey and my years of training has led me to create my own unique coaching method, combining psychology tools and techniques to support you to overcome doubt and take more confident, decisive action to live your most unapologetic life.
If you’re ready to create change, you can find out how we can work together.
I can’t wait to collaborate with you.
Sarah x